The Universitat d’Andorra was founded in 1988 and is a dynamic, young and fast-growing university. Based in the heart of the Pyrenees, it is known as “The University of the Pyrenees”.
The Universitat d’Andorra (UdA) is a public institution that enjoys educational, scientific, administrative, and financial autonomy, with its own legal personality, which can act to meet the fundamental principles of higher education.
The purposes of the UdA within the framework of higher education are, among others, promoting knowledge, culture, critical thinking and democratic values, and the favouring and dissemination of scientific research and innovation. To achieve the above purposes, the UdA has the capacity to establish cooperative programmes with public and private entities, both domestic and foreign.
Its mission is to provide a quality response to the necessities of Andorran society in regards to higher education and research, in line with the country’s strategic axes.
The Universitat d’Andorra focuses on its students, promoting lifelong learning of both attitudes and aptitudes. Its main asset is its personnel and it is committed to their professional development.
It is innovative, especially in regards to models of teaching and training, and in the technological, scientific, and humanistic fields. It forms a participative space dedicated to knowledge and research, open to debate and with an independent and critical spirit.
It adapts to the reality of its surroundings, to the scope and the culture of the country, and it is open internationally. It is interdisciplinary in its approaches; it serves as a model to society and is sensitive to its changes.
The values of the Universitat d’Andorra are personal attention, social responsibility, and the vocation of service to society, quality, knowledge, a critical and innovative spirit, entrepreneurship, teamwork, and interaction with economic and social agents.
It has three colleges devoted to: Business and Technology, Health and Education Sciences and eLearning and Lifelong Learning, and an International Doctoral School. It offers a range of high-quality multilingual programs at all levels: 1 DPA (HE Vocational Programme), 9 Bachelors and 2 Masters, 1 PhD and more than 35 Lifelong Learning Programs.
It currently has 37 employees, 288 part-time professors, and 1.500 students following full-time or part-time degree and diploma courses, with a 35% of international students. The total Budget of the university is 3 million euros.
The Research Program started in 2006, has undergone a very fast growth, with the institutionalization of four research groups very close and related to the training activity, and focused on: Education, Health, Economical Finances and Languages, together with an innovating group in Educational Technology in Teaching.
For more information contact: international@uda.ad